Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine, also known as herbal medicine, is a system of medicine that uses plants or plant extracts taken as a liquid, capsule, powder, tea or applied topically to the skin to help an individual’s health.

I love to recommend these as a simple and practical way to address a wide variety of health conditions.

What Is Botanical Medicine Used For?

Botanical medicine examples are:
● Arnica used topically for bruises, sprains, sore muscles and joints pains.
● Dong quai for women and ginseng for men to help improve stamina and energy.
● Echinacea to possibly help colds, flu and sore throat.
● Fennel tea ingested for upset stomach, heartburn, indigestion and colic.
● Garlic to possibly reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
● Gentian for any digestion problem other than heartburn.
● Ginger ingested for nausea or morning sickness and as an anti-inflammatory.
● Licorice to help energy or adrenal issues.
● Marshmallow or meadowsweet to soothe heartburn (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) (GERD)
● Milk thistle for liver problems or it may help lower elevated liver enzymes.
● Mullein ingested for dry, bronchial coughs or to help a smoker breathe easier.
● Peppermint tea for indigestion, nausea, gas and other digestive problems.
● Sage tea for sore throats or hot flashes.
● Scullcap to calm a racing or busy mind that prevents or interrupts sleep!
● Tea tree oil applied topically for fungal infections such as athlete’s foot or acne.
● Turmeric ingested to combat arthritis and inflammation and possibly protect against cancer, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
● Valerian ingested for sleeping problems where the person cannot fall asleep.